Environmental Control For All Refrigeration
Discovery Of Ecoroq
The amazing attributes of the mineral were discovered in the early 1970's, when a small quantity of Guerite found its way into a refrigerator and significant changes were observed.
Over the last 50 years this simple, yet very successful, system has gained thousands of satisfied customers worldwide.

Company Background
Ecoroq is an affiliation between three companies: Anamac Inc, Ecoroq USA Inc, and Ecoroq International Inc.
Anamac Inc has the sole distribution rights to the mineral Guerite. When combined with Saugin, they form the product Ecoroq. Anamac Inc is the exclusive owner of the mining rights for Guerite at a mine in Nevada, USA. This is the only known source of Ecoroq Mineral in the world!
Ecoroq USA Inc has an exclusive license with Anamac Inc to market, train and support franchisees in North America. It also has the rights to sell International country master licenses outside of North America
Above is a photo of the 100% natural mineral "ecoroq" in the Mojave Desert.
What is Guerite?
Our company's main product is a humidity control filter, which we developed for use in refrigerated environments. Initially Ecoroq started by servicing walk-in coolers and freezers. As demand grew, The Fridge Buddy was created for residential use. Our filters contain a proprietary blend of two, all natural, minerals: Guerite and Saugin. The main ingredient, Guerite, contains over seventy elements of the periodic table! The only known location of Guerite is at our mine in the Mojave Desert
This unique, naturally occurring, mineral has several abilities and uses. Guerite has the ability to not only absorb 50% of it's weight in moisture, but also release moisture back into the environment if conditions become too dry. Guerite's crystalline structure also captures any airborne contaminants: bacteria, mold spores, odors, dust, and gases.